A practical guide to Develop a complete Company Sustainability Plan & Strategy

Geneva, Brussels — This week Greenforce announced the release of their product “Building Sustainability Programs”. It provides all the basics companies need to develop their own intelligent and highly effective sustainability plan and strategies. The blueprint is supported by high-level consultancy services by Greenforce’s team of sustainability professionals.

Sustainable development is one of today’s highest-ranking corporate priorities. Companies need to convince skeptical shareholders, go beyond greenwashing and incorporate innovation into their entire chain of production. Greenforce’s “Building Sustainability Programs” blueprint makes businesses more competitive and ready for the future. It also creates cost savings while setting the stage for enhanced profits.

‘Our mission is to help professionals within a company, to develop and implement sustainable strategies. Typically the CEO will demand a complete program. It is most often the marketing, communications or sustainability manager who is charged with this task. “How to build your Sustainability Plan” shows exactly where to start and how to develop. Our team’s assistance and consultancy services simplify what is often seen as complex,” said Benita Dreesen, founder of Greenforce.

The flexible blueprint ‘Building your Sustainability Program’ provides all the basics needed to develop a custom sustainability plan. Companies and individuals may buy the document at the Greenforce Store found at https://store.greenforce.eu.com/store. The program is available in PDF as well as in an editable MS Word document.

A product comes with a service, a service comes with a product. In case assistance is needed in setting up or deploying the Sustainability Plan, Greenforce’s experienced team provides consultancy, tools, and strategies for practitioners to assist them in developing smart, professional sustainability for their firms. One phone call or e-mail away. The product and services are part of our ‘Sustainability Academy’.

Greenforce Division  (www.greenforce.eu.com)

Greenforce is the leading division of BENTLEYE, which for over 25 years has been engaged in the creation of business strategies with a focus on corporate communication, crises, stakeholder relations, and marketing. It is also the monitoring hub for new EU legislation in Brussels and international legislation in Geneva.

Over the years they have worked in Asia, Africa, and Europe developing sustainability plans and programs. Clients have including government (EU Commission), NGO (UNEP), media (Argus Media and The Economist) and lots of medium-sized and multinationals.

The team provides implementation and strategies. Over time they have evolved from a focus on green energy to a concentration on sustainability.

“We have learned practices and developed business cases all over the world. We’ve seen evolutions and differences in corporate approach,” Dreesen said.

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